Unlocking Flutter Material Dynamic Colors: A Guide to Missing Surfaces and Elevation Colors
Image by Rashelle - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking Flutter Material Dynamic Colors: A Guide to Missing Surfaces and Elevation Colors

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Are you tired of struggling to get the perfect Material Design look and feel in your Flutter app? Do you find yourself pouring over documentation and Stack Overflow answers, only to come up empty-handed? Well, fear not, dear developer! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Flutter Material Dynamic Colors, and show you how to overcome the infamous “missing surfaces and elevation colors” issue that’s been plaguing your app.

What are Flutter Material Dynamic Colors?

Flutter Material Dynamic Colors are a set of colors that adapt to the device’s theme, allowing your app to seamlessly switch between light and dark modes. These colors are generated at runtime, based on the device’s configuration and user preferences. In theory, this means you can create a single UI design that looks stunning on any device, without having to write a single line of code.

The Problem: Missing Surfaces and Elevation Colors

But, as many of us have discovered the hard way, Flutter Material Dynamic Colors don’t always work as intended. Sometimes, surfaces and elevation colors simply refuse to show up, leaving your app looking flat and lifeless. This is especially frustrating when you’ve spent hours perfecting your design, only to have it fall apart at the last minute.

Why Do Surfaces and Elevation Colors Go Missing?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand why surfaces and elevation colors go missing in the first place. There are a few reasons for this:

  • Inconsistent theme configuration: If your theme configuration is incomplete or inconsistent, Flutter might not be able to generate the correct colors.
  • Missing color schemes: Flutter Material Dynamic Colors rely on a specific color scheme to generate surfaces and elevation colors. If this scheme is missing, the colors won’t show up.
  • Widget tree complexity: If your widget tree is overly complex, Flutter might struggle to propagate the correct colors to all widgets.

Solving the Missing Surfaces and Elevation Colors Issue

Now that we’ve identified the possible causes, let’s get to the good stuff – solving the issue! Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Verify Your Theme Configuration

First, make sure your theme configuration is complete and consistent. Check that you’ve defined a primary color, accent color, and background color in your `MaterialApp`:

  title: 'My App',
  theme: ThemeData(
    primaryColor: Colors.blue,
    accentColor: Colors.red,
    backgroundColor: Colors.white,
  home: MyHomePage(),

Step 2: Define a Color Scheme

Next, define a color scheme that includes the necessary surfaces and elevation colors. You can do this by creating a `ColorScheme` object:

ColorScheme _colorScheme = ColorScheme(
  primary: Colors.blue,
  primaryVariant: Colors.blue[700],
  secondary: Colors.red,
  secondaryVariant: Colors.red[700],
  surface: Colors.white,
  background: Colors.grey[100],
  error: Colors.red,
  onPrimary: Colors.white,
  onSecondary: Colors.black,
  onSurface: Colors.black,
  onBackground: Colors.black,
  onError: Colors.white,

Step 3: Apply the Color Scheme

Now, apply the color scheme to your `MaterialApp`:

  title: 'My App',
  theme: ThemeData(
    colorScheme: _colorScheme,
  home: MyHomePage(),

Step 4: Simplify Your Widget Tree

Finally, simplify your widget tree by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable components. This will help Flutter propagate the correct colors to all widgets.

Best Practices for Flutter Material Dynamic Colors

While the above steps will help you overcome the missing surfaces and elevation colors issue, there are some additional best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use a single theme configuration: Avoid defining multiple theme configurations throughout your app. Instead, define a single configuration and apply it globally.
  • Avoid hardcoded colors: Try to avoid using hardcoded colors in your widgets. Instead, use the `Theme` object to access the current theme colors.
  • Test on multiple devices: Make sure to test your app on multiple devices and emulators to ensure that the Material Design look and feel is consistent across different platforms.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Flutter Material Dynamic Colors and overcome the infamous “missing surfaces and elevation colors” issue. By following the steps outlined above and adhering to best practices, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning, Material Design-inspired apps that look and feel amazing on any device.

Remember: Flutter Material Dynamic Colors are a powerful tool, but they require careful configuration and attention to detail. By taking the time to get it right, you’ll be rewarded with an app that’s not only visually stunning but also a joy to use.


For further reading and exploration, check out the following resources:

We hope you found this article informative and helpful. Happy coding, and may the Material Design force be with you!

Property Description
primaryColor The primary color of the app.
accentColor The accent color of the app.
backgroundColor The background color of the app.
surface The surface color of the app.
elevation The elevation color of the app.

The table above lists some of the key properties you can customize in your `ColorScheme` object.


Q: What if I’m still experiencing issues with missing surfaces and elevation colors?

A: Double-check your theme configuration and color scheme definition. Make sure you’ve applied the color scheme correctly to your `MaterialApp`. If you’re still stuck, try simplifying your widget tree or seeking help from the Flutter community.

Q: Can I use custom colors in my app?

A: Absolutely! You can define custom colors in your `ColorScheme` object or use a third-party library like `flutter_colorpicker` to generate colors at runtime. Just be sure to follow the Material Design guidelines to ensure a consistent look and feel.

Q: How do I update my app’s colors when the user changes the system theme?

A: You can listen to the `SystemChrome` `platformBrightness` property to detect changes to the system theme. Then, update your app’s colors accordingly using the `Theme` object. This will ensure your app adapts seamlessly to changes in the system theme.

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about Flutter Material Dynamic Colors? We’ve got answers! Check out these frequently asked questions and dive into the world of dynamic colors.

What are Dynamic Colors in Flutter Material?

Dynamic Colors in Flutter Material are a set of colors that can be used to create a consistent and harmonious visual design throughout your app. These colors are generated based on a single input color, making it easy to create a unique and cohesive brand identity.

Why are some surfaces and elevation colors missing in Flutter Material Dynamic Colors?

Flutter Material Dynamic Colors use a algorithm to generate a set of colors based on a single input color. However, not all surfaces and elevation colors are included in the generated set. This is because the algorithm is designed to provide a harmonious and consistent color palette, and including all possible surfaces and elevation colors might result in a overwhelming number of options.

Can I customize the generated Dynamic Colors in Flutter Material?

Yes, you can customize the generated Dynamic Colors in Flutter Material by using the `Material.DynamicColor` constructor and providing your own custom color palette. This allows you to have full control over the colors used in your app, and ensure that they align with your brand identity.

How do I use Dynamic Colors in my Flutter app?

To use Dynamic Colors in your Flutter app, you need to create a `MaterialApp` widget and provide a `MaterialDynamicColor` as the `colorScheme`. You can then use the generated colors throughout your app by accessing the `colorScheme` property of the `MaterialApp` widget.

Are Dynamic Colors in Flutter Material available for both light and dark themes?

Yes, Dynamic Colors in Flutter Material are available for both light and dark themes. The generated color palette includes separate colors for light and dark themes, ensuring that your app looks great in both modes.