Simplifying Code: A Guide to Avoiding Extension and Condition Repetition
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Simplifying Code: A Guide to Avoiding Extension and Condition Repetition

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Are you tired of writing repetitive code that’s cluttered with extensions and conditions? Are you struggling with the “extensions” problem set from CS50? Well, you’re in luck because this article is here to help! We’ll dive into the world of code optimization and explore ways to shorten your code, making it more efficient and easier to maintain.

Understanding the Problem: Extension and Condition Repetition

In programming, extension and condition repetition occur when you’re forced to write similar code multiple times, with slight variations. This can happen when working with different file extensions or conditional statements. For example, let’s say you’re writing a program that needs to handle different file types, such as .txt, .docx, and .pdf. Without proper optimization, you might end up with code that looks like this:

<if file.endswith('.txt')>
    # code to handle .txt files
<if file.endswith('.docx')>
    # code to handle .docx files
<if file.endswith('.pdf')>
    # code to handle .pdf files

This code is not only repetitive but also prone to errors. Imagine having to add more file types or conditions – the code would become unwieldy and difficult to maintain.

SOLUTION 1: Using Dictionaries and Functions

A simple way to avoid extension and condition repetition is to use dictionaries and functions. Instead of writing separate code blocks for each file type, you can create a dictionary that maps file extensions to their corresponding handling functions:

handling_functions = {
    '.txt': handle_txt,
    '.docx': handle_docx,
    '.pdf': handle_pdf

def handle_file(file):
    extension = file.split('.') [-1]
    if extension in handling_functions:
        print('Unsupported file type')

In this example, the `handling_functions` dictionary maps file extensions to their corresponding handling functions. The `handle_file` function takes a file as input, extracts its extension, and uses the dictionary to call the appropriate handling function.

SOLUTION 2: Using Polymorphism and Object-Oriented Programming

Another approach to avoiding extension and condition repetition is to use polymorphism and object-oriented programming (OOP). You can create a base class for handling files and then create subclasses for each file type:

class FileHandler:
    def handle(self, file):
        raise NotImplementedError

class TxtHandler(FileHandler):
    def handle(self, file):
        # code to handle .txt files

class DocxHandler(FileHandler):
    def handle(self, file):
        # code to handle .docx files

class PdfHandler(FileHandler):
    def handle(self, file):
        # code to handle .pdf files

In this example, the `FileHandler` class is the base class, and the `TxtHandler`, `DocxHandler`, and `PdfHandler` classes are its subclasses. Each subclass implements the `handle` method, which is specific to its file type.

When you need to handle a file, you can create an instance of the appropriate subclass and call its `handle` method:

def handle_file(file):
    extension = file.split('.') [-1]
    if extension == '.txt':
        handler = TxtHandler()
    elif extension == '.docx':
        handler = DocxHandler()
    elif extension == '.pdf':
        handler = PdfHandler()
        print('Unsupported file type')


This approach is more modular and scalable than the previous one. You can add more file types by simply creating new subclasses, without modifying the existing code.

SOLUTION 3: Using Regular Expressions

Regular expressions (regex) can also be used to simplify code and avoid extension and condition repetition. You can create a single regex pattern that matches multiple file extensions and then use a single code block to handle all of them:

import re

def handle_file(file):
    pattern = r'(\.txt|\.docx|\.pdf)$'
    if, file):
        # code to handle .txt, .docx, and .pdf files
        print('Unsupported file type')

In this example, the regex pattern `(\.txt|\.docx|\.pdf)$` matches files with the .txt, .docx, or .pdf extensions. If the pattern matches, the code inside the `if` statement is executed.

SOLUTION 4: Using a Factory Function

A factory function is a function that returns an instance of a class based on some input. You can use a factory function to create an instance of the appropriate file handler class:

def create_handler(extension):
    if extension == '.txt':
        return TxtHandler()
    elif extension == '.docx':
        return DocxHandler()
    elif extension == '.pdf':
        return PdfHandler()
        return None

def handle_file(file):
    extension = file.split('.') [-1]
    handler = create_handler(extension)
    if handler:
        print('Unsupported file type')

In this example, the `create_handler` function takes a file extension as input and returns an instance of the appropriate file handler class. The `handle_file` function uses the factory function to create a handler instance and then calls its `handle` method.


In this article, we’ve explored four solutions to avoid extension and condition repetition in code. We’ve seen how dictionaries and functions, polymorphism and OOP, regular expressions, and factory functions can be used to simplify code and make it more efficient.

By applying these solutions, you’ll be able to write more concise and maintainable code, making it easier to tackle the “extensions” problem set from CS50 and other programming challenges.

Bonus Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you optimize your code:

  • Use early returns**: Instead of nesting multiple `if` statements, use early returns to simplify your code.
  • Avoid magic numbers**: Instead of hardcoding file extensions or other values, use constants or enumerated types to make your code more readable and maintainable.
  • Use type hints**: Use type hints to specify the types of variables and function parameters, making your code more readable and self-documenting.
  • Keep it simple**: Don’t over-engineer your code. Keep it simple and focused on the task at hand.
Solution Pros Cons
Using Dictionaries and Functions Easy to implement, flexible May lead to code duplication
Using Polymorphism and OOP Modular, scalable, reusable May require more boilerplate code
Using Regular Expressions Concise, powerful pattern matching May be difficult to read and maintain
Using a Factory Function Decouples object creation from object usage May lead to complexity if not implemented carefully

We hope this article has been helpful in showing you how to simplify your code and avoid extension and condition repetition. Happy coding!


CS50. (n.d.). Extensions. Retrieved from

Wikipedia. (2022). Polymorphism (computer science). Retrieved from

Wikipedia. (2022). Factory (object-oriented programming). Retrieved from

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to simplify your code and dodge those pesky extensions and condition repetitions! Here are some frequently asked questions about tackling the “extensions” problem set in CS50:

Q1: How can I avoid repeating the same code for different file extensions?

Use a dictionary to map file extensions to their corresponding functions! This way, you can simply look up the function based on the extension and avoid code repetition.

Q2: Is there a way to reduce the number of conditions in my code?

Yes, you can use the `in` operator to check if a value is present in a list or tuple. For example, instead of writing multiple `elif` statements, you can use a single `if` statement with an `in` operator to check if the file extension is in a list of supported extensions.

Q3: Can I use a single function to handle multiple file extensions?

Absolutely! You can create a function that takes the file extension as an argument and uses a switch statement or a dictionary to determine the correct action to take. This way, you can handle multiple file extensions with a single function.

Q4: How can I simplify my code using Python’s built-in functions?

Take advantage of Python’s built-in functions like `os.path.splitext` to extract the file extension and `str.endswith` to check if a string ends with a certain extension. This can simplify your code and make it more efficient.

Q5: Are there any best practices for writing concise and readable code?

Yes, always follow the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle, keep your functions short and sweet, and use descriptive variable names. Additionally, consider using a consistent coding style throughout your code to make it more readable.

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